CBBCLB History
Our Saviour Jesus Christ established the very first local Bible Believing Baptist in Jerusalem. He was the earthly Pastor, the apostles were the first officers, and the disciples were members. I Cor. 12:28 says, “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles…” The founder promised He would strengthen the Church. He said in Matt. 16:18, “…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Thank God for the Church!
Before He left for heaven, our loving Saviour commanded the Church to go and preach the gospel to every nation and kindred. So from Jerusalem, to Antioch and to Asia Minor and then to Europe and the United States, Baptist Churches mushroomed in almost every place. Some were cradled along mountain ranges, in deep caves, and in catacombs. Some were nestled in friendly shores. Until in 1900s, American missionaries came to the Philippine Islands. High Street Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri, USA through its missionary Loyd Baker established the Bible Baptist Church in Legazpi City, Albay. From this Church in Bicol came Octagon Bible Baptist Church in Pasig City, which sent Dr. Ed M. Laurena to San Pedro. In 1979, Christian Bible Baptist Church in San Pedro, Laguna was born, which in turn, eventually gave birth to CHRISTIAN BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH AND MINISTRIES OF LOS BAÑOS, INC. (CBBC-LB), LAGUNA.
CBBC-LB started out as mere Bible study along the “riles” in Anos, Los Banos way back in 1981. It was organized in February 13, 1983 with 43 chartered members. Through the years, the Church struggled in many things – in attendance, in offerings, as well as in the place of worship. Many were added, some left. But God is faithful who never suffered the Church to cease. With much prayers and supplications, the Church moved to an abandoned school building and bank-repossessed property in Nature’s Ville.
Hence, from June 2006 up to the present, CBBC-LB has found a place of its own. With the leadership of the pastor, Rev. ARNOLD N. VALLEJO, CBBC-LB hopes to build a Baptist City that shall serve as a landmark in Los Banos and nearby towns!
CBBC-LB shall be called THE CHURCH AT NATURE’S VILLE as it is clearly depicted in the following song:
There’s a Church in the slopes of Mt. Makiling,
No lovelier spot on a hill;
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the beautiful Church at Nature’s Ville.
O Come to the Church up on a hilltop;
O Come to the Church at Nature’s Ville;
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the beautiful Church at Nature’s Ville.
How sweet, on a clear Sunday morning,
To trod on paved and rugged road;
Its winding uphill so sweetly calling,
“O come to the Church at Nature’s ville.”